The Sacred Dream of the Peaceable Kingdom

The Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Because in order to participate with God you must believe in more than His existence, you must also believe that He cares enough to respond. In other words, to really turn God on we must enter history, His story, and share His dream. His dream, the sacred dream of a peaceable kingdom, is a good future unfolding in time, not a perfect state beyond time.


Can you believe in God’s existence and sell out to His dream of a peaceable kingdom when all around you is anything but a peaceable kingdom? Will you enter His kingdom now and participate with God and millions or billions of others to bring the kingdom here now? Yes you can and yes you will! Because this is the desired future to which God invites you and to which the people of God set their sails. This is the dream, the goal, the vision, the imagination that God and His people pursue. History isn’t a “show”– not even a reality show. It is unscripted, unrehearsed reality; happening now and you are in it. The peaceable kingdom is ours and it ultimately wins. Amen!