The Grace Message of the 2nd Coming!
We hold these truths to be self-evident - that ALL people are created equal! Along with that we hold that God's grace is a gift for ALL who will accept it! In addition, we hold that the Sabbath was created for ALL people as a means to experience God's grace in greater portion! We also hold that the good news includes the return of Jesus to receive ALL people who have believed in Him and His promises.
These are some of the Doctrines of Grace we have embraced as a community of faith. Grace is the foundation of each of these beliefs and love is the mortar that binds the foundation.
Today, we want to explore the Doctrine of Grace known as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Man of us have heard our entire lives that He is coming soon! And yet, here we are! The Second Coming has been tied to the Day of Judgement; life, as we know it, ending; and the separation of us from our loved ones who did not measure up in the eyes of God! No wonder that few have looked forward to the Second Coming with grateful hearts!
I think we may have misplaced our emphasis on the Second Coming. We picture it as the next act in the play entitled: My Life. It's the part where we get to the place where we can live forever! But what if I were to tell you that your "Forever" had alread begun?!
That's right. Your eternity has already begun! And if that's not draped in Grace, then I don't know what grace is!!