An Auction Every Day!
Whew!!! That was a whirlwind of activity! I'm referring to the 1st Annual Dinner/Auction Fundraiser for Wee Love Learning Center, a ministry of WindWorks Fellowship. For all of you that participated in the event in anyway, thank you for making it a success. Almost $12,000 was brought in and the money will make a difference in the lives of many people.
This was truly an effort by our community, with our community, for our community, and all of it creating community which is exactly what God hopes the church will be. This is another example of our church going beyond playing church and being real.
When we experience His-story so meaningfully there are often things in the event that serve as examples of how to sustain our journey both collectively and individually. But, there is also a tendency to experience an energy drain after such a vivid manifestation of God's activity. This can result in our missing what God wants us to build on. In a very real sense God wants us to live out An Auction Everyday! How can we take that away from or experience on April 14th?